Dwarf Species
Suitable for the smaller garden and can be grown in containers. They will look good in mixed planting in rock gardens.
There is a wide range of flower and leaf size and type. Most small leafed alpine types tend not to be so tolerant of areas with hot
Rhododendron anthopogan
Compact habit. Aromatic dark green leaves, reddish brown below. Deep pink flowers. .Flower Colour: F..
Rhododendron anthopogan L&S1091
Compact habit. Aromatic dark green leaves, reddish brown below. Deep pink flowers.Flower Colour: Dee..
Rhododendron anthopogan var hypenanthum
Dense twiggy shrub, usually wider than high..Aromatic dark green leaves , fawn below.Tight trusses o..
Rhododendron aperantum
White fading to shades of rose, orange, red or yellow flowers.Flower Colour: White, fading rose/oran..
Rhododendron aperantum F.26933
Dense mound forming species, dark green leaves, bluish green below. Deep crimson flowers,Flower Colo..
Rhododendron apodectum 24113
Orange/crimson flowers.Flower Colour: Orange crimsonFlowering Time: May-June Scented: No Ultimate ..
Rhododendron aureum
Confusion due to the name aureum being applied to two entirely different species.Flower Colour: Flow..
Rhododendron aurigeranum
Tropical evergreen shrubs or small trees with large orange to orange-yellow or saffron-yellow flower..
Rhododendron baileyi
Small, evergreen with small shiny dark green leaves in an upright and open habit. Shallow saucer-sha..
Rhododendron breviperulatum
Densely-branched shrub with a low spreading habit. This evergreen azalea has ovate-elliptic leaves c..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp calostrotum
Low compact species, almost blue leaves, fawn coloured below. Bright rosy crimson flowers. Must be p..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp calostrotum 'Gigha' FCC AGM
Low compact species,especially in this form; almost blue leaves, fawn coloured below. Bright rosy cr..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp keleticumF21756
Dwarf, generally prostrate or mounding shrubs with small dark shiny green leaves. Flowers are pale p..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp keleticumR11188 = USDA 59182
Dwarf, generally prostrate or mounding shrubs with small dark shiny green leaves. Flowers are pale p..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp riparioides
Large flat faced, rich purple are produced on a background of silvery foliage. Much autumn flower.Fl..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp riparium
Similar to ssp. calostrotum but with smaller leaves that are usually not glaucous above. Generally f..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp riparium Calciphilum Group
Flowers deep rose-purple with magenta flecks. Later flowering.Flower Colour: Deep rose-purple with m..
Rhododendron calostrotum ssp riparium Nitens Group
Lowest growing "species" , fawn coloured below. Pinkish purple flowers,very late, but hard to please..
Rhododendron calostrotum subsp. keleticum hybrid Robert Seleger
Lovely rose-purple flowers with darker edgesFlower Colour: Lovely rose-purple flowers with darker ed..
Rhododendron campylogynum
Dense spreading shrub, Aromatic dark green shiny leaves,, bluish green below. Deep claret thimble sh..
Rhododendron campylogynum Bodnant Red
Dense spreading shrub, Aromatic dark green shiny leaves,, bluish green below. Deep claret thimble sh..
Rhododendron campylogynum Brodick
Dense spreading shrub, Aromatic dark green shiny leaves,, bluish green below.Small deep pink bells o..
Rhododendron campylogynum Charopoeum Gp
Larger leaves and flowers in this former variety. Dusky pink flowers with darker flecks in this clon..
Rhododendron campylogynum Charopoeum Gp Patricia
Dense spreading shrub, Aromatic dark green shiny leaves, bluish green below. Magnolia purple thimble..
Rhododendron campylogynum Cremastum Group
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron campylogynum Myrtilloides Group
Dense spreading shrub, Aromatic dark green shiny leaves,, bluish green below. Black crimson thimble ..
Rhododendron campylogynum Myrtilloides Group
Dense spreading shrub, Aromatic dark green shiny leaves,, bluish green below. Black crimson thimble ..
Rhododendron camtschaticum
A unusal & distinctive decidous dwarf, almost flat purple flowers on long stalks. The hairy leaves c..
Rhododendron chamae-thomsonii var.chamae-thomsonii
Dense compact habit. thick leathery dark green leaves. Bright scarlet flowers between March-May.Flow..
Rhododendron citriniflorum Brodick Form
Fls of orangeFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0..
Rhododendron citriniflorum var. horaeum
Orange to redFlower Colour: CrimsonFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres ..
Rhododendron columbianum syn. Ledum columbianum Western Labrador Tea
Compact evergreen with small leaves and clusters of tiny white flowers. Spreads by underground rhizo..
Rhododendron complexum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron Cruachan SEE temenium var. gilvum Chrysanthum Group Cruachan
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron dasypetalum
H4 April - May Purplish RoseFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 me..
Rhododendron dendrocharis
Compact shrub, dark green shiny leaves, rose pink to white flowers often heavily spotted. Small vers..
Rhododendron dichroanthum ssp apodectum
Compact mounding evergreen shrubs. Flowers (late spring to early summer) are deep orange, orange or ..
Rhododendron dichroanthum ssp scyphocalyx
Flowers May orange-red,yellowFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 m..
Rhododendron emarginatum
Small Yellow flowers. A Pseudovireya.Flower Colour: Small YellowFlowering Time: Scented: Yes Ulti..
Rhododendron fastigiatum
Shoots with dark brown to black scales. Long broadly funnel-shaped, light purple to purplish blueFlo..
Rhododendron fastigiatum Blue Steel AGM
Broadly funnel-shaped light violet Matt green leaves with brown scales below.Flower Colour: VioletFl..
Rhododendron ferrugineum "Alpenrose" of the European Alps
Compact habit, usually wider than high with spreading branches, dark green leaves, reddish brown bel..
Rhododendron flavidum
Erect habit, dark green shiny leaves with widely spaced reddish scales on lower surface. Whitish yel..
Rhododendron flavidum album 99.023
Erect habit, dark green shiny leaves with widely spaced reddish scales on lower surface. White flowe..
Rhododendron forrestii ssp forrestii Repens Group
Creeping species, Dark green leathery leaves, Large bright scarlet flowers. Very good variety for sh..
Rhododendron forrestii ssp forrestii Repens Group R59174
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: Yes Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParen..
Rhododendron forrestii ssp forrestii Tumescens Group
Flower Colour: Bright scarletFlowering Time: April-May Scented: Yes Ultimate Height : 0.50 metres..
Rhododendron fragariflorum
Lavender-rose,3-4,April-MayFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 met..
Rhododendron glaucophyllum
Spreading habit with nice brownish red peeling bark. Aromatic dark green leaves, greyish blue below...
Rhododendron glomerulatum
Flower Colour: PurpleFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inches..
Rhododendron gymnocarpum
Pale rose to deep crimsonFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metre..
Rhododendron hanceanum
Compact spreading shrub. Bright green leaves, bronzy when young,purplish during the winter.Pale yell..
Rhododendron hippophaeoides
Erect semi dwarf shrub. Grey green narrow leaves, grey below, aromatic, scaly, grey green. Lavender ..
Rhododendron hippophaeoides F22197
Erect shrub Grey green narrow leaves, grey below. Lavender blue flowers,Flower Colour: Lavender blue..
Rhododendron hippophaeoides var hippophaeoides Blue Silver
Erect shrub Grey green narrow leaves, grey below. Lavender blue flowers,Flower Colour: Lavender blue..
Rhododendron hirsutum
Twiggy shrub with bristle fringed leaves, Tublar rose pink flowers in June. Very dwarf, almost creep..
Rhododendron hypenanthum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron impeditum
Broadly funnel-shaped bluish mauve, purplish blue or pinkish purple Matt green leaves with brown sca..
Rhododendron impeditum
A compact dwarf plant with tiny, elliptic-ovate, aromatic, scaly, greygreen leaves which turn maroon..
Rhododendron impeditum Blue Steel AGM
H4,April-May.Shrub up to 3ft, shoots with dark brown to black scales. Long broaly funnel-shaped, lig..
Rhododendron impeditum Indigo
Very dwarf mound-forming with leaves of grey - blue and flowers of indigo.Flower Colour: IndigoFlowe..
Rhododendron jasminiflorum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: Yes Ultimate Height : 1.00 metres / 3 feet 3 inchesParen..
Rhododendron javanicum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 1.00 metres / 3 feet 3 inchesParent..
Rhododendron keiskei
Long broadly funnel shaped, pale to lemon yellowFlower Colour: Pale to lemon yellowFlowering Time: M..
Rhododendron keiskei compactum
Long broadly funnel shaped, pale to lemon yellowFlower Colour: Pale to lemon yellowFlowering Time: M..
Rhododendron keleticum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron laudandum
Dwarf, prostrate shrub with tiny white flowers, from the mountain slopes of SE Tibet.Flower Colour: ..
Rhododendron laudandum var. temoense
Dwarf, prostrate shrub with tiny flowers, from the mountain slopes of SE Tibet. True form has white ..
Rhododendron lepidostylum
Compact dome shaped species. Silvery blue leaves, becoming blue green, Silvery hairs on the leaf mar..
Rhododendron lepidotum
Low compact habit, semi evergreen. Royal purple flowers on slender stems.Useful rock garden plant.Fl..
Rhododendron lepidotum Bailey 28
Low compact habit, semi evergreen. Royal purple flowers on slender stems. .Useful rock garden plant...
Rhododendron lepidotum Reuthe's Purple
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron leucaspis
Trusses of up to 3 saucer shape milky white flowers with chocolate-brown anthers. Densely branched d..
Rhododendron linearifolium
Spider Azalea.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet ..
Rhododendron litangense
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron ludwigianum
Straggly evergreen shrub. Rare. Spectacular white flowers, which may have a pink flush and/or yellow..
Rhododendron luteiflorum K.W.21040
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron megeratum
Growth habit is compact, mound like with very hairy branchlets and purplish, scaling bark. Small lea..
Rhododendron megeratum R18861
Growth habit is compact, mound like with very hairy branchlets and purplish, scaling bark. Small lea..
Rhododendron microgynum
Special plant with superb foliage,thick and leathery. The tops are smooth and dark green, with fawn ..
Rhododendron myrtifolium
Compact spreading habit,dark green narrow leaves. Deep rosy pink flowers May-July.Flower Colour: Flo..
Rhododendron nitens
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron nivale ssp boreale
A prostrate low growing shrub,with rich purple to magenta flowers. Grows at high altitudes on mounta..
Rhododendron orthocladum F 20488
Compact mound forming species, with dense dark green foliage.Pure white flowers April-May.Flower Col..
Rhododendron orthocladum var microleucum
Compact mound forming species, with dense dark green foliage.Pure white flowers.Flower Colour: Pure ..
Rhododendron patulum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron pemakoense
Prostrate shrub . Matt green leaves. solitary long funnel-shaped, mauve-lilac flowers with crimson s..
Rhododendron polycladum Scintillans group
Compact twiggy shrub. Narrow dark green leaves. Deep lavender blue flowers, occasionally flowers dur..
Rhododendron pronum
Prostrate shrub, blush green lvs. Campanulated, creamy yellow flowers with numerous deep crimson spo..
Rhododendron prostratum SEE saluenense chameunum Prostratum Group
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.60 metres / 1 feet 11 inchesParen..
Rhododendron pumilum
Pretty thimble like flowers on a rather sparse plantsFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No U..
Rhododendron radicans
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron ravum SEE cuneatum
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 1.80 metres / 5 feet 10 inchesParen..
Rhododendron recurvoides
Attractive compact species, usually wider than high. Very dark green leaves, covered with a tawny in..
Rhododendron recurvoides K.W.7184
Attractive compact species, usually wider than high. Very dark green leaves, covered with a tawny in..
Rhododendron riparium
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron rubroluteum SEE viridescens Rubroluteum Group
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Rhododendron rupicola
Funnel shaped flowers deep plum crimson, scaly on lodes externallyFlower Colour: Deep plum crimsonFl..
Rhododendron rupicola var chryseum
Shrub up to 2ft,funnel shaped flowers deep plum crimson, scaly on lobes externally.Flower Colour: de..
Rhododendron russatum
Low flat topped shrub. Dark green leaves reddish brown below. Royal purple flowers.Flower Colour: Ro..