Please, This site is to remind, Not to sell

There a couple of reasons, why we have put these websites together

  1. I have noticed that a lot of forms of these plants have disappeared from view either due to difficulty to propagate them or just forgotten overtime
  2. We certainly don't have all of these varieties available but we will be delighted if you show interest and enquire so we know what would be a good idea to propagate in the future
  3. The other reason this is just our Picture Library. If I have got something wrong please correct me, Your welcome to add comments in the reviews or maybe send us better pictures.

This Site is part of 4 Reference Sites

Using the same login for all five sites, You can make multiple Wish Lists, which can be see on any of the sites or you can ask us to 'notify when available' on individual plants

Which will hopefully well build a picture of what you want.


This sites are purely for a reference, it is possible to buy here, if there a price showing.

If you're looking to buy something now, I would recommend you go to Loder Plants, which list everything available here and more

Which I do try to keep it up to date with what we have in stock. if we sold out then it not there, as It's always listed on the reference sites

The product is currently Out-of-Stock. Enter your email address below and we will notify you as soon as the product is available.
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Please Reach us through Whatsapp for any query or questions.