(Ghandavense) Hybrids; Oldest group raised in Ghent in Belgium in the 1820 from complex crosses between North Amercan azaleas and R. luteum. Most are hardy and grow taller (2 - 2.5m) with scented, single or double flowers in early summer.
Azalea 'Ade Brunieres'
From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Alba odorata'
WhiteFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesP..
Azalea 'Amber Rain (Ghent)'
Flower Colour: Light orange yellowFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres /..
Azalea 'Anna Louise'
Deciduous. RedFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet ..
Azalea 'Ariel'
Deciduous. White, yellow eye.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 m..
Azalea 'Aurore de Royghem'
Deciduous. Pale rose-pink, yellow lobe and leaves turn bright colours in autumn.Flower Colour: Pale ..
Azalea 'Bacchus'
Rose heavily suffused brown purple, LateFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Heigh..
Azalea 'Bartholo Lazzari'
Deep yellow, double.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0..
Azalea 'Beaute Celeste'
Bright pink syn. Cardinal (Ghent)Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0...
Azalea 'Bijou de Gentbrugge'
Rose, double.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0..
Azalea 'Bijou des Amateurs'
From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Bouquet de flore'
Fragrant, long tubed, like honysuckle. Vivid red flowers blotched with yellow in late spring. Intro ..
Azalea 'Cardinal (Ghent)'
Bright PinkFlower Colour: Bright PinkFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres /..
Azalea 'Charlemagne'
White, suffused yellow and rose, yellow blotch.Flower Colour: White, suffused yellow and rose, yello..
Azalea 'Chieftain'
Apricot suffused brown-orange, late.Flower Colour: Apricot suffused brown-orangeFlowering Time: Sce..
Azalea 'Chromatella'
Pink buds open to pale yellow, double flowers.Flower Colour: Pale yellowFlowering Time: May Scented:..
Azalea 'Coccinea Speciosa'
Bushy, decidous Ghent azalea with small dark green leaves, turning yellow or orange in autumn. Bears..
Azalea 'Comte de Flandre'
Vivid red, blotched orangeFlower Colour: Vivid red, blotched orangeFlowering Time: Scented: No Ul..
Azalea 'Cuprea Pulcherella'
Flower Colour: Pale salmon-pink, dark yellow flashFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height ..
Azalea 'Daviesi'
Many small trusses pale cream with a yellow flare. Has unusual soft grey foliage. Plant tends to be ..
Azalea 'Delicata'
Light yellowish pink. From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Light yellowish pinkFloweri..
Azalea 'Directeur Charles Baumann'
Deep blood red, with yellow blotch. Frilled, late.Flower Colour: Blood redFlowering Time: Late May S..
Azalea 'Dominico Scassi'
RoseFlower Colour: RoseFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inch..
Azalea 'Electra'
Scarlet and orangeFlower Colour: Scarlet and orangeFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Emile'
Rose pink.Flower Colour: Rose pinkFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 ..
Azalea 'Eugenie'
Dark red, shaded orange.Flower Colour: Dark red, shaded orange.Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultima..
Azalea 'Fanny'
Deep rose magenta with a dark tube and orange flare, tinted purplish flowers.Flower Colour: Rose mag..
Azalea 'Frederic de Merode'
Deep reddish orange, yellow blotch.Flower Colour: Deep reddish orange, yellow blotch.Flowering Time:..
Azalea 'Frere-Oban'
Deciduous shrub with creamy-yellow flowers, fading with age. Later with slight cream stripes and blo..
Azalea 'Fritz Quihou'
ScarletFlower Colour: ScarletFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet ..
Azalea 'Geant des Batailles'
Blood redFlower Colour: Blood redFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 f..
Azalea 'General Trauff'
Pale rose, yellow eyeFlower Colour: Pale rose, yellow eyeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate ..
Azalea 'Gloria Mundi'
Deciduous twiggy azalea with medium sized leaves. Bears lax trusses of honeysuckle-like tubular-funn..
Azalea 'Goldlack'
Golden YellowFlower Colour: Golden YellowFlowering Time: Early May Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Grand Monargue'
Light salmon-pink, yellow lobeFlower Colour: Light salmon-pinkFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ulti..
Azalea 'Grandeur Triomphante'
Violet RedFlower Colour: Violet RedFlowering Time: Late May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 me..
Azalea 'Guelder Rose'
Yellow, flushed strong orange yellow, blotch yellowishFlower Colour: Yellow, flushed strong orange y..
Azalea 'Heureuse Surprise'
Light purplish pink, late upright, tallFlower Colour: Light purplish pinkFlowering Time: May Scented..
Azalea 'Hollandia'
Orange yellow, double.Flower Colour: Orange yellow, double.Flowering Time: late April-May Scented: ..
Azalea 'Honneur de flanders'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Igaea Nova'
Pale orange with darker blotch. Upright grower.Flower Colour: Pale orangeFlowering Time: Late May Sc..
Azalea 'Joseph Baumann'
Deep salmon-pink, tinted orangeFlower Colour: Deep salmon-pink, tinted orangeFlowering Time: Late Ma..
Azalea 'Josephine Klinger'
salmon pink, yellow lobeFlower Colour: salmon pink, yellow lobeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ult..
Azalea 'La Surprise'
Flower Colour: Orangy-red, yellow markFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metr..
Azalea 'Laelia' syn. 'Lelie'
Pinkish white funnel flowers with a greenish flare. From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colou..
Azalea 'Lelia'
Deciduous shrub with pale yellow flowers, flushed moderate purplish-red at margins with a deep yello..
Azalea 'Lelie'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Louis Aimee Van Houte'
Red, doubleFlower Colour: Red, doubleFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metre..
Azalea 'Louis Hellebuyck'
Purplish red, white stripes, yellow blotch.Flower Colour: Purplish red, white stripes, yellow blotch..
Azalea 'Magnifica (Gh)'
Pale redFlower Colour: Pale redFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 ..
Azalea 'Maja'
Pink, doubleFlower Colour: PinkFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 ..
Azalea 'Melanie'
Soft roseFlower Colour: Soft roseFlowering Time: Late May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metr..
Azalea 'Mina Van Houtte'
Deciduous shrub with rose-pink double flowers.Flower Colour: Rose-pink doubleFlowering Time: May Sce..
Azalea 'Minerva'
Light salmon-orange, yellow lobe.Flower Colour: salmon-orangeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultim..
Azalea 'Mme. Gustave Guillemot'
Deep rose. Fringed. Syn. Roi de BelgesFlower Colour: Deep roseFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ulti..
Azalea 'Mme. Moser'
Deep pink with white stripes and yellow blotch.Flower Colour: Deep pinkFlowering Time: late May-June..
Azalea 'Mrs Harry White'
White and rose, yellow eye, lateFlower Colour: White and rose, yellow eyeFlowering Time: May Scented..
Azalea 'Nancy Waterer'
Vivid yellow, large honeysuckle flowers, fragrant, midseason .(A.Waterer before 1876):Flower Colour:..
Azalea 'Nivalis Striata'
Deep pink and whiteFlower Colour: Deep pink and whiteFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Heig..
Azalea 'Orpheus'
From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Pallas'
Geranium red with orange-yellow flare.Flower Colour: geranium red with orange-yellow flareFlowering ..
Azalea 'Prince Henri de Pays-Bas'
Vivid red, orange red eye, Late. Upright grower.Flower Colour: Vivid red, orange red eyeFlowering Ti..
Azalea 'Pucella'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Quad Tricolor'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Queen of England'
Deep rose, orange eyeFlower Colour: Deep rose, orange eyeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate ..
Azalea 'Raphael de Smet'
Fragrant white double honeysuckle shaped flowers, flushed with rose. Excellent autumn colour. Intro ..
Azalea 'Roi des Belges'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Rose de Flandre'
Vivid pink, flaked white, orange blotchFlower Colour: Vivid pink, flaked white, orange blotchFloweri..
Azalea 'Sang de Gentbrugge'
Upright plant with late, deep yellowish-pink flowers.Flower Colour: Deep yellowish-pinkFlowering Tim..
Azalea 'Sessostris'
Strong yellowish-pink, orange blotchFlower Colour: Strong yellowish-pink, orange blotchFlowering Tim..
Azalea 'Souvenir du President Carnot'
Orange , semidoubleFlower Colour: Orange, semidoubleFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Heigh..
Azalea 'Spigelius'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Splendens'
Deciduous shrub with soft salmon rose, long-tubed flower with a golden flare. (Sunningdale, 1961)Flo..
Azalea 'Standishi'
Deep yellow, deeper eye, large compact truss, low habit.Flower Colour: Deep yellow, deeper eyeFlower..
Azalea 'Sully'
Flower Colour: Rich pink, orange flashFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metr..
Azalea 'Tricolor ('
This is probably the Ghent azalea called Tricolor van Aken which is a deciduous shrub with relativel..
Azalea 'Unique'
Deep buff-yellow, heavily flushed orange.Flower Colour: Deep buff-yellow, heavily flushed orangeFlow..
Azalea 'Van Houttei Flore Pleno'
Red with orange-yellow flecks. Double.Flower Colour: Red with orange-yellow flecksFlowering Time: Ma..
Azalea 'Versicolor'
Pale salmon with darker stripes and yellow blotch.Flower Colour: Pale salmonFlowering Time: May Scen..
Azalea 'Viscocephalum'
From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Volcano'
Deep red, orange eye, very lateFlower Colour: Flowering Time: May-June Scented: No Ultimate Height..
Azalea 'William III'
Strong salmon-pink.Flower Colour: Strong salmon-pink.Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Heig..